Spinfire Touch Tennis Balls 60 Pack

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  • Regular price £69.95

Spinfire Touch Tennis Balls are pressureless tennis balls and have been designed with training in mind.

These softer pressureless balls are constructed with a soft rubber core and bounce perfectly without the need for internal air pressure. This helps to ensure the ball bounce replicates the same consistent feel as a standard pressurised ball.

The strong TTI needle felt covering provides excellent durability which helps to prolong the lifespan of the tennis balls. This makes for longer training sessions and play without inconsistent bounces and worn-out balls.

Spinfire Touch tennis balls are suitable for normal and high altitude play in varying playing conditions. In addition to tennis training, they can also be used in tennis ball machines to provide a consistent and responsive bounce which will help to improve your game and get the most out of each practice session.

Made in Thailand.

Quantity: 60 Pack